How To Paint Kit

Begin your project following the simple steps below


Unbox your materials on a flat surface and fill water cup. Collect a paper towel for drying wet brushes and a scrap piece of paper to practice.


Holding the paintbrush like a pencil, practice painting lines and marks on the scrap piece of paper. Thoroughly rinse brush in water and blot dry on paper towel before switching colors.


Start by painting the larger areas of color first and then move to the smaller details. Follow the color codes provided and fill each section according to the indicated color.


Allow your painting to dry in between layers. It may take multiple coats for color to fill evenly. Clean your brushes well leaving no residual paint in bristles. Once dry, hang painting and enjoy!

Frequently asked questions

  • Depending on the complexity of your kit, most kits take 1-3 hours to complete.

  • Do not worry! If you venture out of the lines or paint a wrong color, just wait for the acrylic paint to dry and you can paint right over it with another color.

  • This is very common! Some areas will require multiple coats of paint to adequately cover the canvas. Be sure to let each layer dry before applying another.